Relief in an altar of the Flavian period, in the entrance of the museum. Photograph from 1999. |
Dancer. Copy from the time of Hadrian. Greek original from the 5:th century BC. Photograph from 2008. |
Dancer. Photograph from 2006. |
Dancer. Detail. Photograph from 2006. |
Dancer. Detail. Photograph from 2006. |
Aphrodite. Roman copy. Greek original from 5th century BC (Callimachus). Photograph from 2006. |
Aphrodite. Photograph from 2008. |
Portrait of a princess. Photograph from 2008. |
Portrait of a princess. Detail. Photograph from 2006. |
Aphrodite (Hera Borghese). Roman copy. Original from the 5th century BC. Photograph from 2008. |
Afrodite. Detail. Photograph from 2006. |
Aura. Greek, from the 5th century BC. Photograph from 2008. |
Satyr looking at its tail. Statuette. Roman copy from the 1st-2nd century AD. Greek original from the 3rd century BC. Photograph from 2008. |
Hermes. Roman copy from the time of Augustus. Photograph from 2006. |
Hygeia. Roman copy from the time of Augustus. Greek oroginal from the 4th century BC. Photograph from 2008. |
Dying Persian. 2nd century AD. Photograph from 2008. |
Dying Persian. 2nd century AD. Photograph from 2008. |
Afrodite. Roman copy of the Praxiteles' original from ca. 360 BC. Photograph from 2008. |
Apollo. Roman copy. Original from the 4th centruy BC. Photograph from 2008. |
Ephebe. Roman copy from the time of Claudius. Photograph from 2008. |
Paris with the Phrygian Cap. Roman copy from the time of Hadrianus. Photograph from 2005. |
Artemis. Copy from the time of Antoninus. Original from the 3rd century BC. Photograph from 2008. |
Artemis. Detail. Photograph from 2006. |
Magna Mater. 69-96 BC. Photograph from 1999. |
Seated Muse. Roman copy from the Flavian period. Photograph from 2005. |
Seated Muse. Roman copy from the Flavian period. Photograph from 2008. |
Seated Muse. Detail. Photograph from 2008. |
Nero. Photograph from 2008. |
Hadrianus. Photograph from 2008. |
Antoninus Pius. Photograph from 2008. |
Marcus Aurelius. Photograph from 1999. |
Maximinus the Thracian. Photograph from 2008. |
Herm. From the Augustean era. Photograph from 2006. |
Apollo playing a guitar. From the Augustean era. Photograph from 2008. |
Relief. Maiden decorating a candelabrum. Ceramics. Photograph from 2006. |
Beautiul piece of marble decoration. 1:st century BC. Photograph from 1999. |