Vegetable and Cattle Markets

Forum Boarium in the map of Giovanni Maggi from 1625.

Vegetable and Cattle Markets

Forum Boarium seen from Tiber. Drawing by Giuseppe Vasi from the mid 18th century.

Vegetable and Cattle Markets

Forum Boarium seen from Tiber. The temple of Hercules Victor and Cloaca Maxima. Drawing by Giovanni Battista Piranesi from the mid 18th century.

Vegetable and Cattle Markets

Forum Boarium seen from Tiber. The temple of Hercules Victor and the bell tower of S. Maria in Cosmedin can be seen. Aventine hill in the background. Drawing by Luigi Rossini from the early 19th century.

Vegetable and Cattle Markets

Forum Boarium seen from the Palatine hill. Arch of Janus in the foreground. S. Giorgio in Velabro beside it. Photograph from 1999

Vegetable and Cattle Markets

Forum Boarium. Temple of Portunus in the foreground. The arch of Janus, the bell tower of S. Giorgio in Velabro and slopes of the Palatine hill in the background. Photograph from 1997.

Vegetable and Cattle Markets

Buildings of Forum Holitorium facing to the Capitoline hill. On the right, Porticus Triumphalis. Mediaeval mansion on the left, possibly that of Pierleoni family. Photograph from 1997.

Vegetable and Cattle Markets